Analyzing your vintage photograph's style, technology, clothing, packaging and other characteristics can usually date a photograph within two to six years of when it was taken.
PhotoTree Expert Date Analysis
Over twenty years of research, studying, collecting, and analysis of vintage photos gives us a unique skill set in dating old photos.
Economical Analysis
We offer a economical path to helping you determine who your mystery photos are. The first step is understanding when it could have been taken. This will help decide who the person could be and who it cannot be.
How Its Done
Easy! Send us via email a medium to high resolution scan of your photograph. Include:
Full front including borders if any.
Back of photograph if artwork or writing is present.
Picture of case if it is an early cased image.
Single photograph analysis is $10.00. Reduced price schedule for multiple photographs:
Up to 5 Photos
6 to 10 Photos
10 to 20 Photos
Send us your mystery pictures or write us for a custom quote and more information:
Expert analysis of daguerreotype, ambrotypes, tintypes, cartes de visite, cabinet cards, real photo postcards, and early 20th century photographs.
What you Receive
We provide a written explanation of clues analyzed and evidence of a projected date. Date is usually give with a plus or minus range of a couple years. Analysis is returned via email.