This KwikGuide was written for use with Photoshop Elements, either version 10 or version 11. Actually, most of techniques will work with version 9 also.
All of the techniques presented here use tools that are in the Expert mode. This gives you exact control over the individual commands and tool. The other two modes, Quick and Guided, use many preset routines to adjust your images. This is sort of trial and error, or picking the best from a collage of possibilities. These features may solve many of your problems, but you will never know if it could be even better.
Photoshop Elements 11 Best Feature
The new look has larger text, dark text on light background, and larger tool options box. This version is a pleasure to work with - as version 9 and 10 were not.
The Elements user community has complained for years about the dark workspace area and small text of Photoshop Elements 10 and previous dark versions. They finally took into account users of all ages.
