This is the companion web page for Chapter 3 of Photo Restoration KwikGuide. These pages are intended to support the book reader with example file downloads and tips, however they can be viewed by anyone. For information about purchasing the book see the Overview Page. |
Straighten and Crop Preprocessing
Before any restoration actions are conducted, the image should be straightened and cropped to the desired content. |
Straighten Example Files |
Use the Straighten Tool to draw a line across the horizon, or even the pier railing. |
JPG File: 900x1326 (89K) |
ZIP File: 900x1326 (2MB) |
Download the above files, save to disk, and then open in Photoshop Elements. Zip file contains a Photoshop Elements image. |
Use the Image | Rotate | Straighten Image command to automatically straighten the image |
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